Oct 14, 2010

Bravo web tv 13.10.2010

Andrea Renzullo, ein junger Kandidat bei "Das Supertalent 2010", hat ganz offen über seinen Musikgeschmack geplaudert...und siehe da, er findet wohl nicht nur Bills Frisur gut, sondern auch die Musik von Tokio Hotel... HIER könnt ihr euch das Interview ansehen!

Andrea Renzullo, a young candidate of the show "Das Supertalent 2010", has talked about his taste in music...and he probably likes not only Bill's hair style, but also the music of Tokio Hotel... You can watch the interview HERE!



Interviewer: Many people on the internet have already compared you to Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel. What do you say about it if you hear something like that?

Andrea: Well...actually that's a compliment for me, because Bill Kaulitz is just a very famous teen-... teenager and.. yeah. I really like him.

Interviewer: So you're a fan of Tokio Hotel?

Andrea: Yes. Ever since I was little I kept my fingers crossed for them and watched their videos and everything.

Interviewer: That means he's also kind of an idol for you?

Andrea: Yes.

Interviewer: Okay.. and do you think you're a bit similar to him?

Andrea: I think my hair is similar to his..

Interviewer: You think your hair is similar to Bill's?

Andrea: Yeah..


Translation by TokioHotel-Info 

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